Information systems (IS) in organizations capture and manage data to produce useful information that supports and and its employees, customers, suppliers, and partners. Many organizations consider information systems to be essential to their ability to compete or gain competitive advantage. Most organizations have come to realize that all workers need to be participate in the development of information system. therefore, information systems development is a relevant subject to you to regardless of whether or not your are studying to an information systems professional.

Information systems comes in all shapes and sizes. They are so interwoven into the fabric of the business systems they support that it it often difficult to distinguish between business systems and their support information systems. Suffice it to say that information systems can be classified according to the functions they serve.

Transaction processing systems (TPSs) process business transactions such as orders, time cards, payments, and reservations.

Management Information Systems (MISs) use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers to run the business.

Decision Support Systems (DSSs) help various decision makers identify and choose between options or decisions .

Executive information Systems (EISs) are tailored to the unique information needs of executive need of executives who plan for the business and assess performance against those plans.

Expert systems capture and reproduce the knowledge of an expert problem solver or decision maker and then simulate the "thinking" of that expert.

Communication and collaboration systems enhance communication and collaboration between people, both internal and external to the organization. Finally, office automation systems helps employees create and share documents that support day-to-day office activities.

Information system can be viewed from various prospective, including:

The players in the information system ("the team").
The Business drivers influencing the information System.
The process used to develop the information system.

The Player - System Stakeholders - SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN WITH UML

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