Showing posts with label Java. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java. Show all posts

Course Content of JAVA

Before your start learn Java you should have to know what should be the course content of JAVA Language. If you are going to start your industrial training in JAVA technology first check the what you are going to learn and the the tutor going to teach you. You should be aware where your are going to spend and valuable time. I am sharing the course content of JAVA language to help you find out the best tutor of JAVA for you.

About Java

Java is object oriented programming language used to develop both window, web and mobiles based projects and applications. Java language supporting features as object oriented language are Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Classes, objects, Instance, method and Message Parsing. It is a object and class based language.

An Object have some states and behaviors, for example: A Pet has states - name, color and breed etc. And behaviors - eating, barking and wagging etc. In the real world there are many objects around us Humans, animals, birds, trees and vehicles etc. and all these objects have states and behavior. In software development a states of software objects stored in fields and methods represent the behavior.  In Software development Internal state of and object operated via methods and communication between objects is done using methods.

A class is use to define as blue print of the behaviors and states supported type. A class have methods and members/variables. There are three types of variables used in the classes local variables, instance variables and class variables. Local variables defines inside the methods, constructors or blocks. It declared and initialized within the method and destroyed during the method completed. Instance variables declare outside the method but in side the class. These are instantiated during the class load. And they care accessible inside any methods. Class Variable can be declared in the class and outside the methods starting the with the static keyword. We can create any numbers of methods  within in a class.

Class constructor is the method of class, it is very important to define a constructor method for a class every class should have a constructor method. If we didn't define it then the Java compiler auto define a constructor method for a class. To create a constructor method we need to same name of method as used in the class name and also a class have can more than one constructors. A constructor method is called auto when an object of class is created. Constructor is also use to pass some parameters during create a new new object of class.


·        Introduction to Java
·        Introduction Classes in JAVA
·        Interface
·        AWT Package
·        Event Handling
·        AWT Components & their listeners
·        AWT Components
·        Managing Input Output in Java
·         File I/O
·         Multithereded programming
·         Networking and java
·         Applet and Java
·         Project
Advance JAVA
  • Core  JAVA
  • Introduction to Servlets
  • Types of Servlet
  • Life Cycle of JSP
  • Using JDBC in Servlet
  • Database Programming in java
  • Applet to Servlet Communication
  • Servlets and Session Management
  • Cookies
  • Session Tracking
  • Enterprise Java Beans & Java Beans
  • Database Pooling

     I.          Introduction

  • Ø  Java 2 Enterprise Edition
  • Ø   J2EE Roles
  • Ø   Component, Container and Connector
  • Ø  Java Servlet API
  • Ø  Java Server Pages(JSPs)
  • Ø  JSP Tag Library
  • Ø  Java Databse Connectivity (JDBC) API
  • Ø  Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)
  • Ø  Design Contracts
  • Ø  Java Transaction API
  • Ø  Java Message Services(JMS) API
  • Ø  J2EE Connector Architecture(JCA)
  • Ø  Enterprises Application Architectures
  • Ø  Model I Architecture
  • Ø  Model II Architecture
  • Ø  The Airline Ticket Booking System Example
  • Ø  Application Features
  • Ø  Application Design
  • Ø Struts

  II.          Struts Course Contents
1.     Struts Architecture and Overview:
·        Introduction to Struts
o   MVC Overview
o   What is Struts?
§   Struts flow
o   Components in Struts
§   The Model
§   The View
§   The Controller
§   struts-config.xml
§   the <data-sources> element
§   the <form-beans> element
§   the <global-forwards> element
§   the <action-mappings> element
§   the role of web.xml for the application
§   configuring Struts in web.xml
§   web.xml content
§   steps to configuring Struts in web.xml
2.     Struts development cycle
·        Gathering requirements
·        Defining screen requirements
·        Data vs. FormBean
·        define FormBean
·        Determining the screen flow
·        Defining the ActionMappings in struts-config.xml
·        Developing the FormBean
·        The reset () method
·        Form validation using the validate ( ) method
·        ActionError; Define message key
·        Developing Action Class
·        Action and Action Class
·        The perform() method
·        ActionForward
·        ActionMapping class
·        Perform() example
·        Example perform() method
·        Developing business logic – EJB
·        Developing JSPs
·        Configuring struts-config.xml and web.xml
·        Build, pack and deploy
3.     Struts Deployment
·        Struts binary distribution
·        Directory structure of Struts application
·        Build the application build.cmd
·        Installing Tomcat
·        Tomcat command line utility
·        Start Tomcat
·        Access Tomcat application
·        Package, deploy and access
·        Struts applications
4.      Custom JSP Tag Libraries
·        JSP taglib directive
·        Components of a tag library
·        The JSP File
·        The TLD File
·        The Handler Class
·        Tag Lib Handler life cycle
·        Directory structure
o    where custom tag libraries fit
o    Struts TagLib
·        Bean tags: <bean:message>
o    <bean:define>
o    <bean:page>
o    <bean:include>
o    <bean:cookie>
·        HTML tags
o    <html:form>
o    <html:submit>
o    <html:text>; <html:link>
o    <html:password>
·        Logic tags; Functionality
o    <logic:equal>
o    <logic:iterate>
o    Template tags
5.     Struts Techniques
·        Architectural design – Action Class
·        The new “MyAction” class; Architectural design – Form Bean
·        New “MyBaseBean” Form Bean; Debugging techniques
·        Database connection pool
·        Internationalization techniques Error Handling
·        Struts Error Handling Mechanisms;
o    ActionError and ActionErrors
o    Error handling from a form bean
·        Error handling from an action; Formatting error messages
o    Struts exception handling
6.     Advance Features
·        BeanUtils package
·        Digester package
·        DynaActionForms
·        Multi-application support
·        Validators
·        Declarative Exception Handling
·        HTTP Redirection; Dealing with
·        check boxes
·        Context sensitive form validation
7.     Database Programming and Struts Configuring and using a Struts Data Source
·        Using a J2EE Data Source
·        Transaction management from anaction
·        Sharing a connection with the model classes
·        Pre-populating a form for editing dataPaginated listing of large amounts of data
8.     Templates and Tiles
·        Struts Templates
·        Template tags - insert, get and put
·        Struts 1.1 tiles suppor
·        Inheritance in tiles definition
1. Introduction to Java
o   Object Orient Features
o   Need of JAVA
o   Features of java Object oriented, architecture, neutral.
o   Difference from C & C++
o   Java environment Java Development kit(JDK) Application Programming Interface(API)
o   Simple Java Program
2. Introduction Classes in JAVA
o   Constructor, functions, finalize
o   Data types, variables, arrays
o   Inheritance and its level
o   Inner classes
o   Super class, sub class
o   Packages, importing packages
o   Public, private, methods and their scope
3. Interface
o   Introduction
o   Defining interfaces
o   Extending interfaces
o   Implementing Interfaces
o   Interface variable and its uses
o   Introduction to abstract window toolkit
4. AWT Package
o   Introduction
o   Components, Container
o   Intro to container layout manager
o   Frame
o   Textfield
o   Button
5. Event Handling
o   Event Delegation Model
o   Event Source
o   Event Listener
o   Event Trapping through inner Class
o   Event trapping through outer class
o   Event trapping through same class
6. AWT Components & their listeners
o   Checkboxes
o   Option button
o   Label
o   List
o   Choice
o   Text Area
o   Scroll bar
7. AWT Components
o   Dialog Boxes
o   Menu Bars and Menus
§  Layout Managers
§  Flow Layout
§  Border Layout
§  Grid Layout
§  Card Layout
§  GridBag Layout

8. Images
o   Images
o   Fundamentals, Creating, Displaying
o   Paint Method
o   Canvas
9. Project
10. Managing Input Output in Java
o   Concept of streams
o   Stream Classes
§  Byte stream Classes
§  Input stream Classes
§  Output stream Classes
§  Character stream Classes
§  Reader stream Classes
§  Writer stream Classes
11. Byte stream
o   Byte Array Input stream, Byte
o   Array Output Stream
o   File Input Stream ,File Output
o   Stream, Subsequent Stream.
o   Print Stream.
o   Pushback Input Stream.
o   Linenumber Input stream
12. File I/O
o   File dialog box
o   Filereader, Filewriter
o   Chararray reader, chararray writer
o   Buffered reader, Buffered writer
o   Pushback reader
13. Serialization
o   Serializable
o   Object output,Object Input stream
14. Project
15. Managing Errors and Exceptions
o   Introduction
o   Type od errors
o   Exceptions, Exception Handling
o   Try- Catch, Finaly
o   Throwing Exception
o   Creating Exception & throwing
16. Multithereded programming
17. Thread Exception and priority
18. Work
19. Networking and java
20. Project
21. Applet and Java
22. Database Programming in java
23. Database support in web
24. Project
25. Remote Method Invocation
26. RMI and Callback
27. Working with class loader
28. Make Up Sessions
29. Final Project on Basic Java



1.     Session- I
Introduction to Servlets
o   Server Side Programming Concept
o   Life Cycle of Servlets
o   Java Servlet Development Kit
o   Webserver and Servlets
o   Java web server and its Architecture
o   A Simple Servlet
o   Servler Context,Servlet Request, Servlet Response
o   Generic Servlet
o   Servlet Input and Servlet Output Stream

2.     Session –II
Types of Servlet
o   HTTP Servlet
o   bGet and Post Methods
o   HTML Froms
o   From Basics
o   Server Side Includes

3.     Session- III
o   Using JDBC in Servlet
o   Applet to Servlet Communication

4.     Session- IV
o   Servlets and Session Management

5.     Session- V
o   Session Tracking
o   Cookies

B.   Java Server Pages
1.      Java Server pages and Servlets : A comparison
2.      Web Logic’s Support for Java Servlet Pages
3.      Life Cycle of JSP
4.      Flowchart for developing JSP
5.      Directive Tag
o   Structure of the Directive Tag
o   Available Directive Tags
6.      Declaration Tag
o   Structure of the Declaration Tag
7.      Scriptlet Tag
o   Structure of the Scriptlet Tag
8.      Action Tag
o   The usebean Action Tag
o   The setProperty and getProperty Action Tags
o   The include Action Tag
o   The forward Action Tag
o   The plugin Action Tag
9.      Implicit Variables
o   A variable implicit variables
§  Request
§  Response
§  PageContext
§  Session
§  Cookie
§  Exception
10.   Advanced JavaServer Page Techniques
o   Flowcharting for Developing a Custom Tag Library
o   Writing a Custom JSP Tag Library
§  Advantage and Disadvantage of Custom Tags
§  Features of Custom Tags
§  Types of Custom Tags
§  Tag Handler Interfaces and Classes
§  Tag Library Descriptor
§  Taglib Directive
§  Webligic’s JSP Tag Library
§  Form Validation
o   Sample Program: writing Your Custom Tag Library
§  Compile the Program
§  Deploy the program
§  Registering your Custom Tag Handler in Web.xml
§  Execute the program

C.   EJB
1.     Session-I
o   Distributed Application & their architecture
§  Single Tier architecture
§  Two tier architecture
§  Multi tier architecture
o   Transaction process
§  ACID properties of Transaction
o   Three tier Architecture
§  Sockets, Corba, OLI/DCOM
§  RPCs ,RMI, Message Queues
2.     Session- II
o   Distributed Transaction Processing
o   EJB Role’s
o   Component Transaction Monitor
o   Overview of EJB’s Software Architecture
o   EJB Server
o   EJB Container
o   Enterprise Beans
3.     Session- III
o   Enterprise Java Beans & Java Beans
o   Types of Enterprise Java Beans
o   Session Beans
o   Entity Beans
4.     Session- IV
o   Writing down a Session Bean
§  Type of Session Bean
Ø  Stateful Session Bean
Ø  Stateless Session Bean
§  Home Interface
§  Remote Interface
§  Bean Class, Session Bean Interface
5.     Session- V
o   EJB Deployment Wizard
§  Setting of properties in Properties File
§  Setting of Properties in CMD Files
§  Making a EJB Client
6.     Session- VI
o   High Level View of EJB conversion
§  Finding the bean
o   Getting accesss to bean
§  Calling the bean’s method
o   Roles in EJB
§  Enterprise Bean provide deployer
§  Application Assembler
§  EJB Server Provider
§  EJB container Provider
7.     Session- VII
o   When to use Session Bean
o   Constraints of Session Bean
o   Session Bean Life Cycle
o   Stateful Session Bean
o   Deployment & Design
8.     Session- VIII
o   Database Pooling
9.      Session- IX
o   Entity Bean
§  When to use it
§  Bean Manage Vs Container Managed
o   Persistence
§  Primary Keys
§  Entity Bean Life Cycle
10.  Session- X
o   Container Managed Persistence
11.  Session- XI
o   Bean Managed Persistence
12.  Session- XII
o   EJB Clients
§  An EJB Bean as client to another
§  Servlet Client
§  JSP Client
13.  Session- XIII
o   Enterprise Java Beans & Transactions
§  Transaction & various Attribute
14.   Session- XIV
o   Enterprise java Beans and Transaction
15.  Session- XV
o   Enterprise Java Beans and Authentication in Clients
§  Bean Level Authentication
§  Method Level Authentication Access

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