How to leave job and start online work

If you're contemplating leaving your job to pursue online work, you're in the right place. Making such a transition is entirely feasible, offering opportunities to sustain yourself and support your family. The journey to finding a new source of livelihood may take time, but it's always possible if you're determined enough. Often, when we deeply desire something due to a lack of it in our current circumstances, the universe conspires to guide us toward it, presenting various paths and opportunities.

My personal journey reflects this process. After completing my schooling and a basic computer course, I ventured into different jobs, from working in shops and factories to eventually landing a role in a tech institute, where I started doing website work. Alongside my job, I pursued a BA course but faced setbacks in my exams, leading me to drop out and pursue BSC-IT through distance education. Despite not being the most outstanding student or professional, I gradually realized my dissatisfaction with traditional employment.

The decision to transition to full-time online work simmered in my mind for a year before I finally took the leap. The daily grind of working under bosses and supervisors became unbearable, pushing me towards the freedom I craved. Starting with small projects and gradually increasing my online presence, it took me two years to find a client who provided enough work to sustain myself. This experience affirmed my belief that leaving my job was the right decision, even though uncertainties lingered.

Over the past 5-6 years of doing online work, I've faced challenges, including failed attempts at running a small company. However, I've managed to sustain myself financially, covering expenses like house and car EMIs and enjoying various comforts. While I haven't secured a stable client or permanent work, I've learned to adapt and persevere, guided by the belief that opportunities abound for those who seek them.

The moral of my story is clear: if you truly desire to leave traditional employment and embark on an online or offline venture, the universe will present opportunities when you need them most. It's essential to remain positive and persistent, even in the face of adversity, trusting that your efforts will eventually yield results. With determination and a positive mindset, you can break free from the confines of traditional employment and pursue a path that aligns with your aspirations.

Students Tech Life